【印刷可能】 神代叉栄 759741-神代叉栄 とは
Matasaka Kamishiro (神代 叉栄, Kamishiro Matasaka) is the former leader of the ghouls in the 6th ward His real name is unknown, but he used this name for a period in the past His connection to Rize, whose fake name shares the same family name, is unclear Most people refer to him by his nickname Orca or Shachi (鯱, Shachi) He is a strong ghoul, wellversed in the martial arts When東京喰種 僕に喰われても仕方ないよね 何話 by カルナ デク ワンパン かくしごと 最終回 漫画 カルナ デク ワンパン かくしごと 最終回 漫画Toplist The leaderboard where all anime are listed according to their overall ranks; 東京喰種 Re アオギリの樹のメンバー一覧 目的は ヤモリとタタラ ノロとナキを紹介 大人のためのエンターテイメントメディアbibi ビビ 神代叉栄 とは